A Labor Day Journaling Prompt


As we celebrate Labor Day, we share with all of you a journaling prompt from A Year of Special Days: A Journal for Coping with Grief co-authored by Jennifer Mosely, M.S.W., L.I.S.W and Marilyn Deliberato, L.F.D. for Foresight Family Funeral Homes.

"Come to me all of you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

Focus for Today:  This special holiday is a time to take a break from the tasks of daily life. On this Labor Day, focus on rewarding yourself for the toil of your grieving. You have been working hard!
What can I do for myself to help with my grief?
  • Indulge in the luxury of a massage for all of the "labor" of grief you have been doing. If you're uncomfortable with a full massage, a neck/shoulder or hand massage will do wonders.
  • Find a stone or rock and paint on it a memory or symbol of your love. Place it in a special place and hold it when you need to visit your grief.
  • Be adventurous by taking a daytime or overnight trip to someplace you have not been before. This may be a new town, state park, historical site, or another attraction. 
Journaling Prompts
  1. Have I put too much time and effort into grieving so that I have worn myself down? In what ways might I be making it overly laborious?
  2. How much of my grief can I discuss with other in my support network before they become overburdened? How can I balance my interactions so that I can continue to receive support?
  3. What can I do to replenish my inner well of strength? 


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