Journal Theme: A Changed Life

"A death has occurred and everything has changed...Life can never be the same again."
~From "A Death Has Occurred" by Paul Irion

The death of a loved one abruptly changes your life.

One day you and your loved one are together; the next day you are apart.

The change is unfathomable. Your heart is stunned.

You can't believe it has happened. Yet the change has occurred,

and you can feel the dull weight of it on your soul.

Your life will never be the same.

Your loved one gave your life so much meaning and purpose.

Your sorrow is a tribute to this gift of love.

My loved one's life had meaning. I will let this thought guide me through the changes that death has brought.
I can write about...
...a vivid, positive memory I have of the two of us.
...what my loved one's life meant to me.
...another time in my life when change was painful.


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